1-2 cloves garlic grated
1 medium onion cut into small dice
1 cup dry cholent beans mixed 50/50 with large limas
1 cup barley
1 carrot cut into small dice
1 potato cut into small dice
water as needed
cayenne pepper to taste
dark brown sugar to taste

Place garlic, onions, beans and barley (beans and barley should be placed in a sieve and rinsed and checked for bugs before using) in a large saucepan. Cover with water and cook on stove top 1 hour. Add diced carrots and cook another 20-30 minutes. Add water as needed. Add diced potato and cook another 20-30 minutes. Add water as needed. Turn mixture into a crock pot. Add water. Mixture should be soupy. Add cayenne pepper and brown sugar to taste. Cook in crock pot on high for about 5-6 hours. Add vegetarian kishke (recipe below) and turn heat down to low. Cook in crock pot until ready to serve for Shabbos kiddush or lunch.


¼ cup canola oil
2 cloves garlic
1 medium onion
2 stalks celery
2 carrots—peeled
½ to 1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp paprika
1 ½ cups unbleached flour

Put oil, garlic and onion in blender and grind until liquified. Add celery and grind again. Add carrots and do the same. Place mixture in a bowl and stir in black pepper and paprika. Add approximately 1 ½ cups unbleached flour. Stir until combined.

Take a sheet of foil and cover with a sheet of parchment. Place mixture on parchment and roll into a log. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 1 ½ hours. Cool before adding to cholent.

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